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Film Fridays 29 – GOOOAAAAL!

I wasn’t going to, I really wasn’t…
But the World Cup doesn’t come ’round every week.

So here are two sexy football themed vids for your viewing pleasure this week.

One with gents:

and one with ladies:

What can I say, I’m a sucker for men with balls.

[As always, more film Fridays goodness HERE]

15 comments to Film Fridays 29 – GOOOAAAAL!

  • Aragorn

    Wow, you have been productive dear Shay … Missed so many posts recently … sigh. Loved the Kegel-exercise post, if not for sexual pleasure, indeed important for one’s health. Nice. Also the HNT is great, lucky kitten, and a beautiful pussy (the cunt I meant, of course … lol) … Hugs – A

  • Cayman J

    Nice. But as a football fan i am disappointed with the women. they give women fooyballers a bad name. They do look hot though. btw, you prolly will have to put your anti spammer code up again.

  • Cayman J

    Ahhh Much better. I like this vid of women footballers better than the last. MAN!! if this is how the games ended i would still be playing.

  • SJ

    Someone actaully made a vid of men palyign football nekkid? The costs and the effort required…

    The women’s version was really more like pron with a plot and they make a lot of that

  • Debbie

    I’d love to suck on the BALLS of all those men.

  • Jess

    Yep… Men with balls is a fav of mine also. Women with balls isn’t so bad either, just not balls attatched to their bodies.

  • Flipper

    The upper video is very funny, the second one is too short, I just love it!

  • Gentleman-hobbs

    Let’s face it a strapon braces one for the days onslaught far more than a £3 double expresso from star bucks and According to Mr Crawly-Bumlick neither are sweat free either!

  • ArtfulDodger

    Never cared for the sport myself, although if the second video had anything to do with reality, I would become a rabid fan!

  • jkdasfjad

    LOL! Thank you so much! That totally made my day!

  • melanaise

    Shay, honeybunch, sweet sugarpie of literary helper? *staring at feet blushing*

    um, like, well, I know you are sick and all (hope you are getting better) but….

    TAG!! you’re it!!! It is SO your turn at Onania. LOL…I guess I could post my irish story and GIVE them something to squirt one out too….whaddya think?? LOL

    *falling down exhausted* I guess I need to go take care of myself and tell the world about it.

    I am really gonna hate to have to do that. I will probably have to get myself drunk again…

    speaking of drunk…did I volunteer to be interviewed by Aragorn?? That sounds fun, I just don’t remember doing it. LOL… You gave me your “state dependant memory”

  • Desireous

    Woo hoo! Well ain’t that special! Thanks Shay!


  • Sara

    I love men’s balls.

  • starbender

    oh wtf?
    there is ALWAYS
    such a difference
    between the 2 sets
    of vids!
    Men- get U’r hands away from the goods, this isn’t 2nd. grade!

  • Backdoor Slider

    I really liked the women one BUT I’ll have to admit I laugh my ass off when that streaker came out in the male version!!! LMAO

    Have a great weekend Shay!!!

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